Tuesday, February 17, 2009

"You should create a blog"

Some friends have been encouraging me to start a blog. I couldn't image what I'd write and who would read it. Do you know anyone who blogs? I don't. But last year I did email few friends a weekly letter about our "snow shark" adventures in Florida, and they actually read it, and even said they enjoyed it. (Thanks Claire, Dottie and Mary.)

So, here's a Paris blog. So you can read it, subscribe to it, post to it, look at the pictures or just skip it completely. Whatever works for you.

Why Paris?
I've always wanted to experience city living, and Paris is a city that Andy just loves (French food, history, museums -- he's a happy guy). Also, by booking in August we could use our miles. So for one month we'll be urbanites. No car, a very small fourth floor apartment (with elevator) and a chance to absorb the city atmosphere, if not much of the language.

Our first trip to Paris was four years ago, as part of a tour group. I remember it as a forced march through Paris that began each day at 8 a.m. sharp. I don't travel well in a pack. I need control! My attention span during a guided tour is about 20 minutes, 30 if I'm really interested. This time we have no preset agenda at all. We just have street maps, one guidebook and a computer with high-speed access that comes with the apartment. We fly out tomorrow (if this gets posted on the 28th). I'll blog -- sounds a bit unpleasant, like "I'm jet-lagged and can't stop blogging" -- when we get there.

And to be completely honest, I'd love it if you make comments. -E.


  1. I am with you every step of the way! Looking forward to it, E! Safe travels....

  2. Can't wait to hear more, and see your pics.
    A Biento!

  3. What a wonderful treat for those of us left behind. Years ago a close friend's son made a trip on the Appalachian Trail and e-mailed his mother his thoughts, photos, etc. whenever he could find a library. She printed his letters and made a book, which I was lucky enough to read. Can you do that with blogs as well? It would be a great keepsake.
