Wednesday, March 11, 2009

churches+museums+buses=daily life

Pantheon with Foucault's pendulum
The building across the street from us

Also pastry, cafes and lots of walking. Since Sunday we've been to the Sacre Coeur Basilica and St. Etienne church, the Orangerie Museum which features impressionism, the Pantheon which is right around the corner and has a series of large canvases and Foucault's pendulum; plus we've spent a lot of time riding on buses with occasional Metro rides thrown in. Was that a run on sentence? I guess that's the travelogue side of things.
The everyday living side of things includes daily food shopping, getting brave enough to try the oven (NO type at all, just icons, like an Ikea instruction sheet), fighting with the combo washer/dryer which I swear will run for 3 hours and produce wet clothes, and marveling at the amount of police activity. I think when a call comes in they just decide that everyone gets to respond. There are no patrol cars. There are white vans that look like a cross between a Humvee and a panel truck and they all ride around in convoys from 3 to 15 vans or more. Nobody pays any attention.

Yesterday we went to Bon Marché, a Nordstroms-type store. Really beautiful. The lingerie department was endless. The home furnishings made me want to redo my house. They also have a Whole Foods-type market, which has sections, by country, for imported items. What do you think they would import from the US? Hershey syrup, marshmallow fluff, microwave popcorn and Ocean Spray cranberry jelly! That's sad.

The weather is getting warmer, but scarfs haven't disappeared. The other day there was a toddler in a stroller looking quite charming in his neatly tied, powder blue scarf, having a peaceful nap. -E.

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