Monday, March 9, 2009

Sunday at the Museum

On Sunday, we decided to go to a museum of the WWII occupation of Paris by the Germans, located above the Montparnasse railroad station. We found the correct bus stop and waited for 12 minutes. After getting on the bus, we decided that it was headed in the wrong direction. It was cold, so we went for a ride anyway to the other side of town. We then came back and continued to our destination. The museum was very nice with a film of the Paris Occupation years. My favorite part was a fork with Adolph Hitler's initials on it. We then went back to Rue Mouffetard for some food shopping. We now refer to this street as "Rue Moo" and to Boulevard St. Michel as "B.M." We get 5 English language tv stations. They talk about soccer continually. They give the weather for the entire globe, Europe, Africa, Asia, Australia, North and South America. Does rain in Indonesia really effect my day in Paris? -A.
My favorite part of the museum was the benches. But seriously, the film was a series of images that encircled the seating for about 270 degrees, so you're wrapped in the experience. It was well done. I call the avenue Boul-Meesh, by the way. -E.

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